The John Hansard Gallery showed an instillation based exhibition by David Cotterrell. The exhibition was called 'Monsters of the Id'. Cotterrell wanted to show art in a completely new form. Through a form that has not been explored in art so far. Through technology. The idea for this instillation derived from the photographer/artists journey to Afghanistan. The exhibition is all about being an observer and seeing what is happening in Afghanistan through Cotterrell's journey.
On first entrance you are met but a large curved wall. On to this wall a projection is shone of people in a deserted rough area which is meant to represent Afghanistan. You as the observer soon come to realise that the longer you stand there and the more people arrive in this area of the gallery more people appear on the wall, the appear to walk up to you as if maybe they are you? This piece is called 'Observer Effect'.
Once finished the exhibition leads you in to another room. The piece in this room is called 'Search Light 2' it reveals tiny bug like characters which are meant to represent humans crossing over a bumpy terrain that represents the desert landscape Cotterrell witnessed in his travels. This piece is related to 'Observer Effect' as more people arrive in this area more small human figures appear on the desert surface. The figures walk from one end to the other.
Although the idea of showing art through technology is a great and new idea I couldn't help but think that it wasn't quite there yet. the gallery had to close several times due to the machinery not working, even when I went to visit it wasn't running all to smoothly. Also the figures that crossed the landscape were hard to make out as humans rather they looked the insects. Maybe in the future this could be the way of art.