To The River

'To The River' by Sophy Rickett is an installation based on the Severn Bore. This is a natural occurrence that happens once a year on the River Severn where, during the moon’s equinox a very large group of waves runs down the length of the river.  The piece comprises a mixture of audio and video that portrays the excitement that the crowd feels whilst waiting for the event.

Rickette;s work was first shown as part of Artsway's New Forest Pavilion at the Venice Biennale this year this is an amazing achievement as many will know. To the river doesn’t just show the noises and sounds of the river but also the community that waits and watches. For most of them it isn’t about the actual seeing of the Severn Bore but of the atmosphere and hustle and bustle of everyone getting together and having a good time. The instillation consists of three screens set in dim lighting, this shows the film work she created. Each screen turns on and off at different times this means that the viewers attention is needed at all times to really understand the piece. There are also speakers handing in the middle of the room playing parts of the crowd and the river. Because the instillation is set in a large open room the sound travels and echoes across. As if it's traveling, just like the river.