I was casually watching TV the other night when an advert for the new HTC One  phone came on.
20-year-old photography student Nick Jojola was sent by HTC to take "the perfect picture" in the 0.8 seconds available during free-fall. It was his first every photography shoot. Both him and the model he was photographing were falling at 126mph during the shoot . HTC said the stunt demonstrated the qualities of the new One phone's camera, because it demanded video and photo shooting, in low light. The device used 'burst mode' to take a number of shots over a short period.

As I am currently studying photography at university I  couldn't really believe this advert and ended up laughing at it. Firstly, it was his first ever photography shoot? I don't think anyone would be so lucky to do this for their first shoot ever. especially being so inexperienced. Secondly I also don't think that he would be using a camera phone for a high end shoot like this surely you would be using an SLR. Thirdly wouldn't either a camera phone or an SLR simply fall out of you hands as lets not forget you are falling through the sky at 126 mph. This advert just seemed so unrealistic to me as well as many of my course mates as i have heard many people discussing this ad. See for yourself, what do you think?